BDB Leasing has launched a product to finance SMEs engaged in production, manufacturing, food and beverage industry, printing and healthcare.
Technological renovation of production facilities
Programme focus
The programme focuses on supporting and encouraging Bulgarian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to invest in production machinery and equipment in order to:
✔ Improve the efficiency of production processes
✔ Expand the product portfolio
✔ Enter new markets
✔ Improve competitiveness
✔ Create new jobs
✔ Improve energy efficiency of production
Target Groups
Micro, small and medium enterprises that:
✔ operate in production, manufacturing, food and beverage industry, printing and healthcare;
✔ have a minimum of 2 completed financial years of operation. For businesses with a shorter history, an eligible co-debtor must be engaged;
✔ are not insolvent or over-indebted, not in winding-up or liquidation proceedings, have no pending enforcement proceedings against them, and have no public debts;
✔ at the time of conclusion of the lease, have positive equity and have no transactions with financial institutions in arrears.